Sunday, December 31, 2006

now right now is 4am on New Year's Eve...

the last entry of the year 2006 !!!!!

my feelings about 2006...

My achievements !!!

i dun think i achieve much stuff this 2006...
hmmx... i think i remember going for this
national camp
the singapore msia youth camp..
remember trying to play the piano again...
remember myself turning fatter
remember myself become more satisfatied with myself...
becoming more home-based than rushing and staying out of my house...
remember to be less attutide
started reading and learning stuff. newspapers and books...
learn impt stuff about myself what i realli need to learn and understand with ppl and about ppl..
learning to be closer with my family( i still wanna live in my own place though)
still look young.. Pls god let me be young forever... wahahahs
i wonder wad else ?

Special Moments !!

Yupz !! there are lotsa memorable stuff i did this year...
i remember my birthday..
i recieved 4 old friends sincerity and some impt friends and impt ppl's present...
some may be tiny some may be lotsa effort..
but i know... and can feel those zhen xin.. ahahas...
i remember her !!
how she became mine...
I remember our cookie baking time...
her first hug that i felt special
our first moments... (kinda er xin to put these stuff out.. hahas.. but all pure and not A-rated)
first arguement... hahas...
her ring...
our movies... @ the new cathy..
hahas.. my special ideas and effort..
oops... change topic..
Oh... I remember the genting trip !!
hahas.. it's fun to go overseas or travelling with friends :D

Did i forget anything ?? hope Not !!


My bad !!

what have i done bad this year ...


been mean in my words on people.. sorry
set so mani wants and expectation of myself and demoralize myself in the end..
in the end lose confidence then luckily shiling knock sense to my head... saying wa lau eh then if u think like that then wad about those that are super fat and dumb think ... hahas...
laugh at and about ppl.. hahas.. sorry !!!
being lazy !!!
think about some pplz that i should haf forgotten ...
being too colour appreciation day way too mani days...
rude to my parents..
hafing a bad temper....
attitude and arrogant...

I hope i dun forget any !! My bad !!


next year.. in 2007

I still wanna have her by my side making sure she's happy..
make my current few dreams/wants a reality..
not verbally but manually...
be happy myself...
my friends to be happy...


wad u will see in me in 2007

me and her...
me working like crazy for my dreams...
me being happy
me driving a car/van/lorry
me doing wad i like.. examples like cookie baking running rotting
me hopefully living on my own..
me in army
me working crazy after work..
me going out with my little silblings...
me looking young...
me hanging out with a few but impt true friends...
me being stubborn like hell!!
me never losing hope!!
me talking less
me being simply simple and satisfied !!
me being me !!!

Cheers... to all !!! happy new year

2007 here i come !!!


Quotes !!

My favs...

"It has never been about never giving up...
its about never losing hope"

"And so the unqiue thing that we do that others do not is, we try to get those transitions before they're obvious. About the time other folks are on it, if we do our job right, we've already got our strategy all in place, we're already moving on the next"
John Chambers

"When in doubt, mumble; when in trouble, delegate; when in charge, ponder."
James H. Boren

Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in anything.
W. Clement Stone

My Meaningfuls

"Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it."
Lord Acton

"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us."
Alexander Graham Bell

success: Concentrate your energy, thoughts and capital exclusively upon what you are engaged. Having begun on one line, resolve to fight, to lead in it, to adopt every improvement, to have the best equipment, and to know the most about it.

Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.
Thomas A. Edison

530 le....

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