Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Introduce another new book...

Confession of an economic hit man...

some thoughts that I had when reasoning out theories of terrorism acts before I read this book...
why would people do this ?
by their religion ? by brain-wash ?

Objectives ?
The directions of their acts?
Blab blab blab..

this is a sensitive topic here...

I would like to make it clear I'm not supportive of terrorism acts..
I am against such acts of terror...
However I am also against the acts that cause hatred and desperation that forced people... normal people to these acts..

Actually where does the problem lies...

What's Right ? What's Wrong ?

The direction of those with power ability to make changes, power that had made choices to knowingly hurt...
Power corrupts...

All sorts of beliefs, theories, holy words...
Are they Right ? Are they wrong ?
Aren't they just words ?

Words are be fabricated into wonderful lies that lures people's weakness.
The power of words can be made into different types of weapons
equipped with controllable media...

What if all the information we received are just artificial ?

Anyway, this book added facts to some of my beliefs..

But ... this are just mindless belief.. I don't intend to explore more into that field..

Looking at the widest picture... isn't a lot of countries doing the same thing.. lolx.. I don't even want to venture into the thoughts in some area's.

I rather work hard get rich and do charity...

No point picking a fight with the "GODS" that had controlled, contained, decided lives of others and made decision that killed...
Sincerely hope that decisions of lesser profit but more aid to the people's solution is being made..

My level is way too low..

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